I'm wide awake, (it's morning)
I'm up late again. Too late. A few hours ago I was almost falling asleep sitting straight up but now, when I really should be going to bed and get some well needed rest, I'm wide awake. I know there's no point in trying to actually sleep right now, will just lie tossing and turning for what feels like an eternity. It will also just make me more tired tomorrow.
Something that actually might make me fall asleep is one of my books for this course, maybe I should try reading that and I will magically fall asleep! Probably not, it's pretty interesting. Maybe I can fins something boring online instead. I've tried to count sheep before, and it doesn't work. I can go on forever, until it starts to come other animals too, like cows and stuff.
We'll see, probably I'll sit here for another hour and then try to actullay go to bed. Alarm is set on 8.30 to get up and get ready for the day. First is coffee with mom and then Grey's anatomy with Jennie. shoul stop writing now, it's not like somebody actually reads when I write in English.
Something that actually might make me fall asleep is one of my books for this course, maybe I should try reading that and I will magically fall asleep! Probably not, it's pretty interesting. Maybe I can fins something boring online instead. I've tried to count sheep before, and it doesn't work. I can go on forever, until it starts to come other animals too, like cows and stuff.
We'll see, probably I'll sit here for another hour and then try to actullay go to bed. Alarm is set on 8.30 to get up and get ready for the day. First is coffee with mom and then Grey's anatomy with Jennie. shoul stop writing now, it's not like somebody actually reads when I write in English.
